Phantom Black Holes Could Be Proof Of a Universe That Existed Before Ours

What do astrophysicists mean by ghost black holes and how could they confirm that before the Big bang there was another universe? If the theory can be proved, it would suggest that everything we knew about the universe has to be reconsidered.

A Universe Before Ours

Before our ever-expanding Universe, there was another one that was destroyed. Along with its destruction, its black holes were also destroyed, but the energy was so powerful that could be seen in new universes – in ours.

Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data found dead black holes from dead universes. Black holes are space vacuums that have such a huge gravitational force that pulls inside everything, even the light. They are powerful vacuums, but they can also release something called blackbody radiation which is called Hawking radiation – named after the late astrophysicist Stephen Hawking.

Physicist Roger Penrose (Oxford University), mathematician Daniel An (State University of New York Maritime College) and theoretical physicist Krzysztof Meissner (University of Warsaw) theorize the idea that before our universe there were other universes before the Big Bang.

Updating the Big Bang Theory

Their theory would mean that the Big Bang theory must be updated with the multiverse theory.

In Penrose and his team’s analysis of CMB data, there were some phantom black holes which left an imprint on time and space:

“It’s not the black hole’s singularity, or its actual, physical body. But the… entire Hawking radiation of the hole throughout its history. The thing about this period of time is that massless gravitons and photons don’t really experience time or space,” explains Penrose.

So, even though a previous universe was destroyed, it left a mark on a future universe, even if it didn’t interact with it. The Hawking radiation shows the death of a black hole while a new universe starts forming.

After a black hole is destroyed, traces of particles from asteroids, planets, and stars are left behind, and Dr. An explains that the particles behave differently from the objects with a mass based on Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Because they don’t interact with anything, scientists call them ghost or phantom black holes.

Dr. Penrose concludes that “if the universe goes on and on and the black holes gobble up everything, at a certain point, we’re only going to have black holes. Then what’s going to happen is that these black holes will gradually, gradually shrink.”

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.