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We Will Witness the Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century

This month is a special one and we will be able to see the longest lunar eclipse of the century. The eclipse will take place on July 27-28 and its duration will be 1 hour 43 minutes. The Ministry of Earth Sciences revealed that this is the longest eclipse of the century.

If you want to catch the eclipse you should know that it will start at 11:54. This is only the partial eclipse of the moon, and the totality phase will start at 1 am. During this eclipse, the Moon will go through Earth’s umbral shadow.

“A total lunar eclipse will occur on July 27-28 with a totality duration of 1 hour 43 minutes. The duration makes it the longest total lunar eclipse of this century (2001 AD to 2100 AD),” revealed a statement released by the Ministry of Earth Sciences.

The previous lunar eclipse which was this long took place on July 16 2000 and its duration was 1 hour and 46 minutes. Additionally, there was another one on June 15, 2011 and that one lasted for 1 hour and 40 minutes. India will be able to see this eclipse, but you will also be able to spot it if you live in Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia, parts of Russia, Antarctica and east of South America.

Planet Mars

Mars will also come close to Earth which means that it will appear brighter and it will be easier to spot it in the night sky. In fact the red planet will be very close to the Moon when it is eclipsed which means that it will be very noticeable. Mars will be closest to Earth on July 31. Mars comes at opposition every 2 years and 2 months, on average.

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