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Skincare Products May Contain Chemicals Linked to Breast Cancer and Infertility

According to new research, skincare products contain a lot of chemicals that could leave women infertile or even cause breast cancer.

The study was recently published in the Environment International journal and showed that commonly found chemicals in cosmetic and personal care products are connected to changes in hormones.

Low exposure to parabens and Bisphenol A (BPA) can affect the levels of the reproductive hormone, and some chemicals could increase the levels of estrogen, which can increase the risk of diseases dependent on estrogen, like breast cancer.

Researchers took over 500 urine samples from 143 women of ages between 18 and 44 to see analyze the environmental chemicals in beauty products, like parabens and benzophenones.

The first of its kind research analyzed a mixture of chemicals in products to see their relation to hormones in healthy women of reproductive age. Scientists used different methods of exposure over the menstrual cycle.

In association with some chemicals and UV filters, researchers saw that the levels of reproductive hormones either decreased or increased.

Pay Attention to the Ingredients

An assistant professor at George Mason University in the United States, Dr. Ania Pollack stated:

“As we go about our daily lives, we are exposed to many different chemicals that could have negative effects on our hormones. “These hormonal changes have been linked to several adverse health outcomes such as breast cancer and cardiovascular disease.”

Thus, she explains that it is essential to understand chemicals that influence hormone levels, stressing that it’s vital for women’s health, as they suffer higher exposure to those chemicals since they’re used in beauty and personal care products.

Dr. Pollack recommended women to check if the beauty products contain parabens, as they’ve been shown to increase estrogen levels, concluding that: “If this finding is confirmed by additional research, it could have implications for oestrogen-dependent diseases such as breast cancer.”

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