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As NASA Celebrates its 60th Birthday, Here are its Greatest Achievements

Sixty years ago, on the 1st of October, NASA – or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration – began its operations, representing the beginning of a new era of the United States exploring the outer space. NASA walked on the footprints of its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, which was created in 1915 as a way to make sure that America doesn’t fall behind Europe when it came to the field of airplane technology.

NASA appeared as a result of something similar happening. In 1957 there were concerns that the Soviet Union would gain the upper hand in terms of technological advancements in the start of the space race after it successfully launched Sputnik in 1957, becoming the first artificial satellite in Earth’s history. This spurred the establishment of NASA back in 1958.

After its inception, the agency had some really productive decades while overseeing a great number of missions which managed to expand our knowledge about the Sun, the Earth, and the Solar System as a whole and why not say, the universe. Despite these space missions, NASA also performed numerous studies and this research helped to enrich the science present in numerous fields and let to benefits from which humanity benefits today.

Here are some important highlights:

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