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Ancient Death Pit for Human Sacrifice and Massacres, Revealed By Scientists In The UK

New archaeological discoveries were revealed last week in England, Oxford, where a team of Thames Water engineers had bumped into an ancient death pit of human skeletons. The skeletons have signs of brutal sacrifice and remind us of our animalistic past, dating from more than 3,000 years ago. After the engineers have discovered skeletons in the pit, the archaeologists have come to the crime scene, and the excavations began.

What Discoveries Have Been Made?

The artifacts were from an ancient Iron Age settlement and were discovered tools, animals, and 26 individuals, all dated from the British Iron Age and Roman periods. The brutality of discoveries was shown by a person that was found with their skull placed by their feet, a woman was discovered with her arms tied behind her back and her feet chopped off.

Paolo Guarino, Cotswold Archaeology project officer is saying that the result from the artifacts could help us discover some vital information about the history of the people that loved these lands many years ago. He also believes that the human remains were involved in England’s iconic “Uffington White Horse.” The white horse is a tribal symbol that aligns with the midwinter sun. When the horse is overtaken, it means that the sun was carried across the sky by a horse or in a chariot.

Was Human Sacrifice Normal at that Time?

Neil Holbrook, chief executive of Cotswold Archaeology, says that even if the discoveries are challenging, we must understand that the people believe from those time were different. He suggests that those remains from the pit might suggest human sacrifice.

After some more in-depth investigation, the archaeologists are hoping that they will find out the method of slaughter and an understanding of the reason behind it. If we look back in history, we can see that a lot of sacrifices were made for different purposes, even for agricultural ones, especially after floods, plagues, famines, asking their forgiveness.

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