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SpaceX Falcon Heavy Block 5 Rocket To Conduct A Static Fire Test Within A Couple Of Days

NASA has provided us with information that the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Block 5 rocket is ready for its static fire test. This test is two days away from taking place, where all 27 of the rocket’s engines will ignite for a few moments. Passing all checks, the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Block 5 will launch at 11.30 PM ET on June 24th. It would be the third one of its kind to do so.

The rocket is carrying 24 small satellites, belonging to a host of US government and academic institutions, forming a mission designated as US Air Force’s Space Test Program-2 (STP-2). STP stands to push engineering boundaries, thus involving higher risks for project participants but also a good test subject that makes for a good cost.

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Block 5 rocket to conduct its first static fire test

The launch and subsequent mission success will be more than just scientific progress or improving national defense. Following success, barring unforeseen circumstances, the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Block 5 rocket series would probably provide the US government with a favorable alternative for all their launches.  Something that would make the ULA Delta IV Heavy rocket lose out on the current contract.

In order to complete mission parameters and prove its burn capabilities while carrying heavy cargo, SpaceX says it needs to perform “four separate upper-stage engine burns, three separate deployment orbits, a final propulsive passivation maneuver, and a total mission duration of over six hours.”

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Block 5 rocket would mean a lot for the US government

The US military is currently using STP-2 to verify and provide official certification for the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Block 5 rocket to be used in military launches. Something the military has never done with commercial rockets before.

SpaceX might win big due to the fact that their competitors will not have satisfactory programs for quite some time. Companies like Blue Origin and ULA have to wait until the middle part of the next decade to successfully implement heavy rockets wit smart reuse. That’s making SpaceX the only viable candidate for delivering such technology for at least half a decade, thanks to its Falcon Heavy Block 5 rocket.

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