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Scientists Have Discovered There Might Millions of Ways of Storing Biological Data

A group of scientists from the Earth-Life Science Institute at the Tokyo Institute of Technology teamed with the German Aerospace Center and Emory University, realized a study about the ‘chemical neighborhood’ of nucleic acid analogs. They developed their projects by using advanced computational methods. Scientists believed that life could not have existed before there were nucleic acids. They set their goal in finding how those nucleic acids came to develop and exist on the primitive Earth. By developing their research, they succeeded in discovering over a million versions, indicating a full unexplored universe of chemistry relevant to pharmacology, and biochemistry. They also found some ways to get better the origins of life. The molecules unveiled by this project could be next changed to give hundreds of millions of possible pharmaceutical drug hints.

Back in the 19th century, that was the first time when the nucleic acids were explored and identified. However, their formation, function, and biological purpose were not yet understood by scientists until the next century. Watson and Crick succeeded in discovering the DNA’s double-helical formation and unveiled an intriguing yet straightforward explanation for how biology and evolution are.

It is known that all living creatures and things on Earth gather data in DNA, which is made of two polymer strands bound around each other, each strand representing the complement of the other. Moreover, at the moment when the strands are broke apart, copying the balance on either template results in two copies of the original. So, the DNA polymer itself is made of a series of something called ‘letters,’ such as the bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). At that is added, too, other existing organisms that have evolved ways to ensure the fact that during DNA copying, the right sequence of letters is almost remade. Furthermore, the course of bases is transferred into RNA by proteins, which are read into a protein course. Finally, the proteins activate a wonderland of smoothly-tuned chemical actions that make life possible, as we know it.

Jim Cleaves, professor at the Earth-Life Science Institute, came with a more detailed statement. He explained, “There are two kinds of nucleic acids in biology, and maybe 20 or 30 effective nucleic-acid binding nucleic acid analogs. We wanted to know if there is one more than was expected.” Evolutionary scientists researching the origins of life have also centered their studies on ways of creating DNA or RNA from pure chemicals that could have appeared spontaneously on primitive Earth.

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