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DNA Structures Influence the Development of Diseases, a New Study Concluded

The study is showing that some dysfunctional DNA structures have something to say in the development of some diseases and some various types of cancer. The research and the experiment are coming from a team of researchers that created an algorithm for locating the functions of the Topologically Associating Domains (TADs). The purpose of the research is to study the structures, understand it, find it, and use all the information for preventing some of the diseases.

The first thing that we need to know is that our DNA is composed of genes and regulatory elements, which are promoters and enhancers. The exciting thing is that these two are working separated from one from the other. So here come the TDAs that have the purpose of bringing the genes and the regulatory elements together. If the two are together, the process of gene expression happens.

New research showed that the development of diseases is linked to DNA structures

Moreover, the scientists found out that if the DNA is curved inside TADs, the gene expressions are more significant. And this happens because the two, the genes and the regulatory elements, are in tight contact with each other. In other words, the gene expression process is practically the encoded information inside the DNA, which is giving the observable traits.

To sum up, some diseases or even cancer is appearing when a gene is matching the wrong regulatory elements. If the TADS is disrupted, then the gene expression will form a deviant result. By developing this algorithm, the researchers can find how the structures are working and what they have to do to prevent diseases. The key is to understand how the healthy gene regulation is working, and in the future to solve the mystery of the mutations in DNA. Every gene mutation is leading to wrong gene expression, making room for diseases.

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