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Researchers Discover a Sign of Love in the Animal Reign

Researchers have identified a 300-million-year-old lizard on Canadian territory. The sample demonstrates the first phase of animal parental care in a bombshell research prophecy. An ancient lizard that lived almost 309 million years ago has been found in Canada by researchers.

The animal appears to have its tail wrapped up around its baby. Such a thing is the earliest known sample of parental love in the animal reign. It also offers scientists a vital insight into the evolution of love.

The fossilized remains got a young baby lizard tucked up behind its mother’s back limbs, snugly girdled by her tail. According to researchers, the family found their end in a swamp area forest-like in Nova Scotia. Also, the adult lizard had made a den to raise its baby.

The new species, which are, unfortunately, non-existent nowadays, are similar to the Monitor Lizard. They have been dubbed Dendromaia unamakiensis, after the Greek word “caring mother” or “tree.”

Researchers Discover a Sign of Love in the Animal Reign

Hillary Maddin, a paleontologist from Carleton University in Ottawa, stated that even if the animals had been like lizards, they would have been more similar to humans. Such a thing is due to their specific synapsid genealogy that evolved into mammals.

Maddin detailed: “The animals were discovered in a fossilized stump showing proposed parental care behavior. It would have been a warmer climate than today.” She also explained how the creatures could probably feed on insects and other small vertebrates.

Currently extinct, Dendromaia possesses sharp teeth, narrow jaws, long tails, somehow massive bodies, and small legs. Due to that appearance, they were very keen and rushed about the undergrowth feasting on insects and other small animals.

Dr.Maddin added: “The location of the juvenile individual beneath the hind limb and encircled by the tail of the larger individual resembles a position that would be found among denning animals.”

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