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The US Space Force Presented Its First Offensive Weapon

The US recently announced it has a new gun. But not just any kind of gun. An offensive space weapon system. Its name is Counter Communications System Block 10.2. Putting it short, CCS B10.2.

A space force is a military branch that prepares for or conducts space warfare. As of January 2020, the US Space Force is the only independent space force, and it belongs to the United States. It is a military branch put into place in December 2019, in the United States President Donald Trump administration.

Space and Missile Systems Center took a ground-based satellite communications jamming system and said goodbye to the old fashion way of making weapons. They took the Agile DevSecOps way.

Space and Missile Systems Center is a command of the United States Space Force, located at Los Angeles Air Force Base. Space and Missile Systems Center is responsible for developing, acquiring, fielding, and sustaining military space systems.

The first offensive weapon owned by the US Space Force was unveiled

DevSecOps comes from development, security, and operations. DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops), which aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. Security – it’s pretty obvious where it comes from.

Agile and DevOps serve complementary roles. Agile can be viewed as addressing communication gaps between customers and developers, while DevOps addresses differences between developers and IT operations/infrastructure. Also, DevOps has focused on the deployment of developed software, whether it is established via Agile or other methodologies.

“Future upgrades and enhancements will make use of SMC’s Agile DevSecOps approach adapting to the evolving battlefield while delivering capabilities to the warfighter faster and better than our opponents,” said Stephen Purdy, the Special Programs Director at the Space and Missile Systems Center.

Air National Guard units use the CCS weapon system in California, Colorado, and Florida. Air Force active-duty units, including the Fourth Space Control Squadron, will also have access. The 4th Space Control Squadron is an Air Force Space Command unit responsible for delivering defensive and offensive counter space and space situational awareness.

The weapon achieved initial operating capability, which means the aliens should run away. Runaway from the pain, because Donald’s getting ready to be used in space combat. And if there are no aliens out there, CCS B10.2 will protect US interests in space, like discouraging China and Russia from aggression.

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