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Supermassive Black Holes’ Jets Are The New Research Material

An exciting yet infrequent interaction has recently caught the attention of astronomers. Supermassive black holes that gather dark matter around them are sending aggressive jets of plasma into the galaxy.

Capturing this occurrence on an image is very difficult to manage. The only way researchers managed to spot this was by using gravitational lensing. This phenomenon happens when the gravity distorts the path on which the light is traveling and creates four images. To better understand this, the distortion behaves like a natural horoscope, as astronomer Takeo Minezaki suggests.

Black holes are complicated supermassive things that power galaxies. Their gravitational power creates the event horizon, which becomes a dead point for any object surrounding them, including light. Nothing can be seen in a black hole because nothing has enough speed to escape.

Scientists Focus On Jets From Supermassive Black Holes

The early formation stage of a black hole is characterized by violence. Outside the event horizon, some parts can be seen. For example, the quasar, which is among the brightest object in the Universe, has a supermassive black hole in the middle. In this particular stage, the black hole’s life is characterized by feasting on the material around.

Additionally, the black holes have jets of ionized material that are as fast as the speed of light. The jets come from the poles of the event horizon, from where they are ejected into space at a very high rate. The jest is causing the quenching phenomenon, which means canceling a star’s formation. This occurs when the jets blow away the clouds of dust, which generally would result in a star.

By combining the four imagines resulted from gravitational lensing, the researchers’ team managed to create an idea of how the jets look like. From this image, they were able to determine how the gaseous clouds move around the jets. Additionally, they calculated the moving speed of the gas clouds at 600 kilometers per second.

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