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When in Isolation, Writing Can Be a True Healer


Writers have a lust for loneliness. They need loneliness so that their feelings and thoughts don’t interfere with someone else’s. Writers need to be honest with themselves or with the story they tell. They need to dedicate themselves to it and treat it as the most important part of their life. More important than their family and even themselves. But what is it that makes writers enjoy writing even when they are struggling with it? Writing in isolation, however, seems to be the “key” to cope with isolation.

It isn’t a unique answer to that question but more of a blend of rewarding aspects of writing. And there is one reward that could benefit anyone, not just a professional writer. Anyone that finds himself in need of perspective.

This lockdown made us realize we are all struggling with this need. What is happening to our minds and feelings? Each and every one of us is experiencing new feelings and thoughts. Anxiety is growing each day and nothing seems to help recover the perspective we’ve lost if we’ve had one before the lockdown.

Cope with isolation by writing

Writing is a way of becoming aware of human nature. Of our own and the others’. A way to explore the world by putting ourselves in someone else’s skin. Thinking like him, feeling like him, acting like him. And finally discovering that any character is living inside us. And the character doesn’t have to be someone else. We are the character of our own scenario.

Consciousness will help us to deal with whatever we are confronting. Putting it on paper, or the computer’s screen will help us gain control. Understanding what we feel and why we feel that way, instead of trying to run away from it will give us the self-consciousness we need to deal with those feelings. Make it a journal or make it a short novel. Write yourself down and look at you. Ask yourselves the questions and try to answer them.

No matter if you are struggling with loneliness, or a partner you resent, or the children hysterically crying for attention, or even the loss of someone close to you, letting your feelings speak the truth on a piece of paper or a Word window will be an honest witness of what you are going through.

There is only one thing you should remember to do: search for both perspectives. Although most of the things that will lie down on paper will be negative, find room in your mind for a positive perspective. There is always something good in every bad thing. It might feel hopeless and unimportant. But the splendor of a smile can make things feel tolerable — and writing about this feeling, too. It will help you gain perspective during the current isolation.

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