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Overfeeding The Immune System With Vitamins Might Turn Against It

immune system

The coronavirus pandemic has created quite the hysteria. People are desperately trying to stay healthy, strengthen their immune system, and wrongfully believe that supplements are the way to do it. The New York Times reported that in the US also, the sales of vitamin C increased by 146%.

Health means balance. And whatever you ingest influences your health. It is of most importance to understand that everything we eat and drink has a load of compounds. Foods and drinks aren’t just what we can see, smell, and taste. They aren’t just fuel for digestion.

Every cell in our body is influenced by what we eat and drink. Since we are all stressed out by the pandemic, and we became concerned with staying healthy, maybe it is time to learn something about nutrition.

High vitamins intake might not be beneficial for your immune system

It would be a good and healthy habit to search the truth about the nutritional values of the things we ingest. It would help our psychological state, by actually doing something to protect ourselves. It will give us a sense of control, while we would actually do something good for our health.

Instead of overloading your body with supplements without knowing how much of them you need, educate yourself. Find what the necessary daily dose of each vitamin and mineral you need, and what are the foods that contain them. Learn about preparing, mixing, alternating, varying, and cooking them.

“It comes back to basic nutrition and common sense. Start with a healthy baseline diet, and if you cannot get your needs met in some way, maybe you do need a vitamin,” said Lona Sandon, an associate professor in the department of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

Any excess can turn your health balance upside down. You might think you are helping the reinforcement of your immune system, but you might also cause damage to another side of the fort.

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