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Alignment Of Planets: Around The World, Catch A Glimpse Before The Sun Rises

Credit: David Menidrey on Unsplash

Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, as well as Saturn, will start to align in planetary sequence on Friday, June 3, throughout the morning hours. For the very first time in more than 10 years, Sky & Telescope reports that Mercury & Saturn will be closer together this year than they were in December 2004.

Mercury will be visible towards the beginning of this month, but observers will require binoculars and a clean sight of the eastern skyline to see it, according to the astronomy magazine. Mercury should get to be brighter and clearer to view as the month of June goes on.

The remainder of the solar system should always be observable with the unaided eye. Before dawn is the greatest time to see the five planets. Do some research on your location’s sunrise time the evening before you want to observe the conjunction.

You don’t have to depart your home to get a peek of the action since it will be observable worldwide. Individuals in the Northern Hemisphere can view the worlds from the east towards southeast, whereas some in the Southern Hemisphere can observe them from the east towards northeast. Just make sure you have a good view in that direction.

You only need to keep searching all through the whole of June, and as early as there is a morning when the sky is clear, you should walk outside and take in that scene.

After the 5 planets, on June 24, the declining crescent among Venus & Mars will also line up. It’s possible to catch this rare celestial configuration just before dawn, rather than in the days preceding up to it. The moon will be out of sync with the planets by the following day as it continues its cycle around the Earth.

In the event that you skip, the following five-planet alignment won’t be until 2040, as per Sky & Telescope.

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