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How Can You Treat Prediabetes in the Most Safest Ways?

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

A person is said to have a condition known as prediabetes if they have a series of abnormal glucose blood tests that signal they are on the verge of developing diabetes. In certain instances, it is also referred to as “impaired glucose tolerance” or “metabolic syndrome.” And now for something that should pique your interest. People who have prediabetes have the best chance of reversing their condition and returning their glucose levels to normal with just a few key lifestyle adjustments.

It would be such a pity if we didn’t take into consideration a few strategies for properly treating prediabetes, wouldn’t you agree?! We have compiled a comprehensive overview of all there is to know about prediabetes, including treatments. Check it out below!

How to Manage Prediabetes Like a Pro

The therapy for prediabetes can take a variety of different approaches. Monitoring blood glucose levels is the primary component of treatment, along with making adjustments to one’s way of life and maybe taking diabetic medicine like metformin.

Remember that it’s key to talk with a specialist about any health concerns and advice!

Metformin and the condition of prediabetes

Some of these medicines can highly encourage your pancreas to generate and secrete more insulin than it would normally. In contrast, others restrict the generation and release of glucose from your liver, which results in a reduction in the amount of insulin that is required. Metformin is one of the most widely prescribed drugs.

Prediabetes and drugs that inhibit SGTL2

The term “SGLT2 inhibitors” refers to a new class of oral drugs that are now seeing an uptick in their frequency of usage. This medication is available in a number of different formulations, some of which are as follows: dapagliflozin (Farxiga, Forxiga), canagliflozin (Invokana), sotagliflozin (Zynquista), empagliflozin (Jardiance), or ertugliflozin (Steglatro).

It would help you a lot to start measuring and monitoring your blood glucose levels around four times each day. However, the frequency of your blood glucose checks should be based on the advice given to you by either your endocrinologist or diabetic nurse.

Movement and exercise

You should see your physician before beginning an exercise program since they will be able to advise you on the amount of intensity that is most appropriate for you. Walking first thing in the morning or taking a stroll in the afternoon is an excellent approach to getting into an exercise routine gradually. You may begin with walking around the neighborhood and then gradually extend the distance of your walks each day.

A balanced and healthy diet

Even if there are just a few minor adjustments made, it may take some time for the body to readjust to the new diet. A healthy diet is one that emphasizes the consumption of a broad range of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (such as red meat and fish), and low-fat dairy products. The following are examples of meals that are rich in necessary vitamins and minerals while still being low in fat and energy.


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