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Harvard Astronomer Avi Loeb Reveals Interesting Facts About Alien Tech Found in the Ocean

Photo by Nathan Duck on Unsplash

Picture the following scenario: you happen to fall somewhere on Earth at random. Okay, so what happens next? Apparently, there is a good chance that you will land up in some body of water, much like the ocean. Abraham “Avi” Loeb, an astronomer at Harvard, believes this is what went on with a piece of extraterrestrial technology in 2014, and he could have recently stumbled upon it. Could we possibly be that much closer to communicating with extraterrestrials now?

Here’s the full story and what it took Avi Loeb to reach such conclusions.

What Are the Odds That Extraterrestrial Technology Will Eventually Overcome Earth’s?

In 2014, a meteorite with a diameter similar to that of a medium-sized impactor broke into the atmosphere and crashed into the ocean in the South Pacific, not far from the coast of New Guinea. At the moment, everybody believed it was just like any other bit of rock, ice, or even metal we’ve experienced. Still, it was something much more intriguing: the cigar-shaped Oumuamua thingy!

Following Oumuamua’s short appearance, several hypotheses have been proposed to account for its background and activity. One of these hypotheses is that it was an extraterrestrial space probe dispatched to examine our solar system. Wouldn’t it be interesting if it were actually the case?

Exploration of the depths of the ocean in search of unidentified flying objects has begun

On the basis of Oumuamua’s speed and orbital track, Loeb and one of his students, Amir Siraj, wrote a paper together a few years ago in which they proposed the idea that Oumuamua was, in fact, an additional interstellar object. After some time had passed, the Department of Defense eventually published a statement that backed up Loeb and Siraj’s notion.

Loeb continued his investigation into the matter in an effort to find any traces of the item, which was later given the name Interstellar Meteor 1 (IM1). At the same time, he was stationed on a ship in the South Pacific. To do this, he dragged a massive magnet over the trajectory of IM1’s impact.

This is what Loeb had to say about it:

Given IM1’s high speed and anomalous material strength, its source must have been a natural environment different from the solar system or an extraterrestrial technological civilization.

The latest finding of tiny spherules may represent fragments of the first interstellar meteorite that has been confirmed. If Loeb had his way, such relics might possibly be fragments of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. The next step for the team is to move their emphasis to assessing their discoveries. They will look at the chemical makeup as well as the isotopic makeup to see whether or not anything seems off.

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