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Kids’ Screen Time Is Linked To Cancer And Eye Sight Issues, Says Recent Study

This latest message comes from a couple of reports that link kids’ digital dependency on their health issues.

No more than two hours of screen time on a daily basis

Parents are advised to take the kids away from their phones, computers, and tablets and send them to play outside in the fresh air.

On the other hand, doctors say that there is no need to panic and some parents will not follow this advice of cutting back on the screen time.

“That sign in my pediatrician’s office that says, ‘Remember, no more than two hours of screen time per day,’ can go right in the garbage in my opinion,” says Elizabeth Campbell, a 36-year-old mom of two from Halfmoon, just north of Albany.

Increased screen exposure triggers health problems for kids 

A widespread review by the World Cancer Research Fund — called Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Cancer: a Global Perspective — found that sedentary behavior from increased exposure to cell phones, computers, and other electronic entertainment is associated with weight gain, which ups the risk of 12 cancers.

This report analyzed 80 studies which involved over 200,000. It found that risks of colon, breast and endometrial cancer which is a form of uterine cancer are higher when there’s no physical activity involved.

“New technologies have encouraged people to increase the time they spend engaging in sedentary behaviors such as sitting in cars and watching television as well as using computers, electronic entertainment, and mobile phones,” the WCRF report reads.

More studies have found out that playing computer games and more factors also trigger a high risk for nearsightedness in kids.

This means that distant objects may appear blurred and this is becoming quite common. An estimated number of 4.8 billion people all over the world will suffer from this condition by 2050 from 1.9 billion in 2010, according to the latest research.

Genetics is definitely also playing a big part in all of this but so is the current unhealthy lifestyle of kids.

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