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Hubble Space Telescope Sends Incredible Images of a Nearby Galaxy, Messier 59

The Hubble Space Telescope is hard at work, and the scientific device has managed to send back beautiful images which focus on a fascinating galaxy. By looking at the photos, you can see a large orb in the center of the image. That orb is a galaxy called NGC 4621, or Messier 59. Messier 59 is classified one of the biggest elliptical galaxies observed in a galactic cluster known as Virgo, which shelters several more than 2,000 galaxies.

Hubble Space Telescope Snapped Incredible Images of Messier 59, a Nearby Galaxy

In the heart of the impressive galaxy, the researchers observed a supermassive black hole with a mass which is up to 270 million times bigger in comparison to our sun. The galaxy was discovered in the 18th century by Johann Gottfried Koehler. Its name comes from Charles Messier, a French astronomer who cataloged the galaxy.

Charles Messier contributed heavily to astronomy, and he is credited with the creation of one of the first astronomical catalogs of deep space objects. The catalog describes 110-star clusters and gassy nebulae, and it is known under the name of the Messier catalog. The Messier 59 was described by Messier in the catalog mentioned above. However, it is believed that Johann Gottfried Koehler was the one who found it first, and the discovery took place a few days before Messier compiled the catalog.

The Hubble Space Telescope Is Still One of the Most Significant Assets for NASA and ESA

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in April 1990, and it remains one of the most useful instruments for many astronomers and researchers. The telescope was designed from the ground up with an extensive use period in mind.

Five service mission took place, addressing some issues and bringing new instruments to the device. It is believed that the telescope could remain operational until 2030, with optimistic researchers stating that it could work even in 2040. Hubble is operated by NASA and ESA, and the device has managed to offer a large amount of useful information in almost three decades of activity.

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