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Asteroid News: The European Space Agency Issues Important Warning

Asteroid-related news is all over the place these days, and people have been freaking out following the latest piece.

Neil deGrasse Tyson issued a warning about what would happen if a huge rock crashed into the earth.

An apocalyptic scenario

The famous expert is an American astrophysicist and author. He revealed his research during a public lecture with Ryan Watt in San Francisco in 2008.

He said: “The orbit we now have for it is uncertain enough (…) we cannot tell you exactly where that trajectory will be.”

He continued and said that “We know it won’t hit Earth, we know it will be closer than the orbiting satellites. But there is a 600-mile zone – we call it the keyhole – and if the asteroid goes through the middle of that it will hit the Earth 13 years later. It will hit 500 miles west of Santa Monica.”

The man said that if an asteroid plunged into the Pacific Ocean would “wipe out the entire west coast of North America.”

On the other hand, back in 2008, NASA unveiled that the chance of Apophis impacting Earth in 2036 was 1 in 45,000. Since then, the risks have been recalculated and they are even smaller and this means that there’s absolutely no reason to panic.

The European Space Agency (ESA) addressed an asteroid-related issue

It’s been recently reported by the that the ESA had issued an urgent warning.

This came after an asteroid passed our home planet after it has been spotted back in July.

The space rock was called 2019 OK, and it came within one-fifth of the distance to the Moon back on July 25.

ESA admitted the space rock was not recognized as a near-Earth asteroid.

The most recent reports coming from Metro claim that Rudiger Jehn, ESA’s Head of Planetary Defence said the following:

“This ‘un-recognition’ of an asteroid, despite it being photographed will be used to test the software going into ESA’s upcoming asteroid-hunting telescope, the Flyeye.”

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