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Sleep Patterns In Urban Areas Are Changing

With an abundance of electric lighting in urban areas and the ability to purchase tablets, laptops, and TVs at reasonable prices, most of our evenings are bathed in LED entertainment and bright lights that affect our natural sleep cycles. Some believe that artificial light at night is harmless; however, many scientists are concerned about how excessive exposure to light is affecting our health.

There are a variety of factors that can affect sleep patterns, ranging from the temperature of your room to the type of mattress you use. Even if you were to purchase the best hybrid mattress money can buy, such luxury is only effective when other environmental factors are considered. These factors, such as sound and light, are likely to disrupt a good night’s sleep, which is bad news for urban areas since within cities they are ubiquitous.

Picture by Julie Aagaard from Pexels

Light Pollution

At night the sky within cities is tainted with light pollution. It tends to block one of the most beautiful and natural sights in the world—a sky full of stars. Light pollution is defined as artificial and excessive light often found illuminating advertisements, offices, streetlights, and building exteriors. The International Dark-Sky Association is a group of astronomers who research and educate others about how and why we need to preserve the night sky. The IDA has defined different types of light pollution as such:

They also describe the impact of such light:

Circadian Rhythm

The circadian rhythm organizes each person’s sleep and wake cycles based on the presence of daylight and night time. Our circadian rhythms regulate our energy levels throughout the day. Our body regulates our day in other ways too, such as with urine production. In the absence of light and during sleep, our bodies produce less urine while we’re unable to attend the bathroom.

Exposure to abnormal light after the sun has set affects your internal clocks. Normally, your body recognizes when to prepare for sleep and produces melatonin; however, it will suppress this production if it believes it may not be nighttime.

Blue Light

One particular type of lighting which appears to have the most devastating impact on people’s sleep-wake cycles in urban areas is blue light. This type of light, used in LED lighting, is a favored source of illumination used by manufacturers in products such as televisions and mobile phones. Its use has also extended to commercial, industrial, and residential lighting mainly due to its energy efficiency.

According to Dr. Liji Thomas, in her article, Artificial Light Exposure and Circadian Rhythm, she explains “untimely light exposure can bring on a host of disorders ranging from insomnia to cognitive deficits”. Blue light alters the circadian rhythm as the body perceives it as natural light.

However, blue light may have some health advantages. It is often used to help Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), where the body requires more melatonin production. This is also believed to be beneficial for people who work within an office setting that has no exposure to natural light. However, once the exposure moves beyond the sunset, the arousal of blue light at night harms people’s sleep patterns.

Urban Lighting

Picture by Burst from Pexels

Our urban environments are constantly illuminated. Even if we manage to escape into our homes, the lifestyle that is associated with city living is one of being switched on and connected to screens. These environments are not built to support a healthy sleep cycle and, for most, it is imperative to take sleeping well into our own hands

There are some cities across the globe that are taking steps to reduce their light pollution; however, these are often smaller cities, as opposed to sprawling areas that pose a more significant problem, such as Las Vegas and Tokyo.

The Purpose of Artificial Lighting

As with most inventions and energy sources, people are unsure of whether it possesses damaging effects until extensive studies reach an agreed conclusion. Artificial lighting in urban areas is often said to be necessary for the greater good; however, according to a 2015 study by Epidemiology and Community Health, while street lights were installed to improve safety for the public and deter crime, it has not proven to have worked. Despite being created to support a safer neighborhood, it could be argued that they cause a greater impact on our rest.

Improve Sleep Patterns in Urban Areas

Below are a few steps that can be actioned by you to help your body adhere to natural sleep patterns that are normally governed by day and night, and not by abnormal lighting.

One individual is incapable of bringing back the natural night sky alone. However, each person can make small but significant changes to take better control of their sleep health, support the wildlife in their gardens, and reduce their carbon footprint.

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