Massive Marine Heat Waves Trigger Dangerous Effects For Ocean Ecosystems

An international study that has been published in Nature Communications journal and was performed by researchers and experts at CLEX (the Center of Excellence for Extreme Climates) and IMAS (the Institute Of Marine and Antarctic Studies) revealed something disturbing.
Heat waves have increased over the last century, and we’re looking at higher numbers, more extended durations and also higher intensity. All these are a direct consequence of the warming of the oceans.
Canadian researchers discovered terrifying statistics
Experts at the University of Dalhousie in Canada have determined that the number of days in a year during which marine heat waves are recorded globally has increased a lot between 1925 and 2016.
During this period, the frequency of marine heat waves increased by approximately 34% and the duration of each heat wave increased by 17%.
These triggered a 54% increase in the number of days of marine heat wave every year.
‘The research also showed that starting in 1982, there was a noticeable acceleration of the trend in marine heat waves,” lead author Dr. Eric Oliver of Dalhousie University in Canada stated.
Sea surface temperature was analyzed from satellite images
Researchers analyzed the sea temperature on a global scale from satellite images and direct measurements that have been made during 1900 and 2016.
Experts say that the increased marine heat waves are triggered by an increased in the average temperature of the oceans all over the globe.
Even if the internal temperature of the seas definitely plays a huge role at a regional level, the local changes are not affecting the long-term global trend, according to Oliver and his team of experts.
If the temperature of the oceans’ surface continues to rise, effects will worsen
The authors of the paper concluded that is this warming of the ocean surface continues, the implications and effects on the biodiversity of marine heat waves will definitely worsen.
This extreme climatic phenomenon that involves extended periods with too high temperatures of the oceans’ surface will result in dangerous effects for the marine ecosystems but also for the global economy.
This is highly possible, and it had happened before when back in 2011 Western Australia was hit by a sea heat wave that pushed ecosystems from kelp dominance to seaweed dominance.
The Gulf of Maine was struck by a sea heat wave in 2012 that led to an increase in lobsters, but a massive drop in prices that affected the industry profits severely.

I have been blogging and posting articles for over eight years, but my passion for writing dates back in 2000. I am especially enthusiastic about technology, science, and health-related issues. When I’m not researching and writing the latest news, I’m either watching sci-fi and horror movies or checking out places worth visiting and building deep memories for later in life. I believe in empathy and continually improving myself.