Is Science Right About Aliens?

UFOs are spontaneous and uncontrollable appearances which burden of proof falls on science shoulders.
The probability of habitable planets could always explain a number of unexplained events. UFO topics are often labeled as pseudoscience, taboo, conspiracy theories, science fiction, anomalous phenomena or simply weather phenomens and human actions. The mystery was never solved, even with developed technologies and space-traveling.
The astronomers saw UFO
In a large survey conducted by Peter Sturrok, a professor of Stanford University, in 1977, he asked 2,611 astronomers about UFO sightings. He received back 1,356 of mails containing reports of unexplained aerial phenomena. Furthermore, the vast majority were enthusiastic about exploring the matter in depth. Only 20 percent rejected the matter and didn’t support the study.
100 years studies in a single book
In the book ‘Wonders in the Sky’ the matter was extended between the 1700s and 1800s. The book contains reports posted in scientific publications by astronomers keen on this issue. Back in present, in various circumstances, people witnessed a spaceship, took photos of it, screened radar returns or noted the damages left. But none of them submit a conventional explanation.
‘CIA drones’
The state of Iran spotted repeatedly UFOs near nuclear power facilities and called them ‘CIA drones’. The round 30 feet structure reaches abnormal speeds according to physics law.
Military commanders and scientists together
COMETA, a French Commitee consisting of brilliant scientists and military brass made research in the late 1990s about the odd-shaped crafts. They concluded the report saying 5 percent of the extraterrestrial contacts were authentic, but lacking the possibility to be explained.
Anyway, if the extraterrestrial hypothesis is true, it would be to our advantage to know their origins, intentions, and technologies. The subject is tremendous for scientific analysis and mankind will find no rest until the truth will be delivered in the light of evidence.

As our second lead editor, Anna C. Mackinno provides guidance on the stories Great Lakes Ledger reporters cover. She has been instrumental in making sure the content on the site is clear and accurate for our readers. If you see a particularly clever title, you can likely thank Anna. Anna received a BA and and MA from Fordham University.