Scientists Discovered Several Planets where Chemical Conditions can form and Support Life Forms

Recently, a team of scientists from UK made an interesting breakthrough. Their discovery could change the general perception of the planets from the outside of our Solar System. The team managed to identify a group of planets made of chemical factors which can support the formation of life and maintain it. These environmental conditions are similar to those that, most likely, led to the birth and existence of living organisms on Earth.
What’s the scenario
The scientists’ big discovery is actually a collection of planets which can host water and benefit from light and temperature provided by the stars situated near them. In this case, researchers talk about the ideal combination of factors that can set off the chemical reactions necessary for creating live.
The team noted their findings in a new study recently published in the Science Advances journal. Their conclusions could be useful in detailing the list of planets which hold the necessary conditions for hosting life. The potential candidates will be the subject of further thorough research.
How they did it
Research conducted in the past revealed the fact that life is born from molecules which have to include lipids and amino acids. Naturally, these elements would comprise life forms into DNA and RNA. None the less, the molecules cannot be spotted unless specific conditions are used. In this case, we are referring to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.
During the study, the team of scientists conducted the experiments while exposing the elements found on the planet-subjects to UV light. This emerged the chemical reactions which lead to forming life. On the other hand, life-giving compounds could not formed or be identified during experiments run in the absence of UV radiation.
After discovering the perfect living conditions and which can support the RNA’s formation, scientists defined the areas suitable for the process as the “abiogenesis zones.” This area is situated around the Earth’s young atmosphere and here is where they located the life-supporting exoplanest.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.