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UFO Spotted Hovering Near The ISS In A NASA Footage​

A video released by NASA depicts an alien UFO sneaking close to the International Space Station (ISS) before the space agency suddenly cut the recording. The ISS is a space laboratory that orbits Earth since 2000. Astronauts hosted there have made numerous discoveries, medical progress and improved materials for space expeditions.

Now, a UFO hunter states that the ISS has made its biggest discovery, more precise, capturing a UFO in a video. YouTube users Streetcap1 posted a video of what he says it is a UFO. NASA captured the footage on their ISS camera on YouStream.

Numerous points of the reported UFO are clearly visible outside the ISS. UFO hunter Of Sound Mind And Body​ said that the massive object could be seen clearly in the background. The ship is lit up by the Sun, and its peculiar shape is incredibly noticeable.

UFO spotted lurking near the ISS in a NASA footage​

The commentator then said that NASA deliberately cut the footage, as, after a few moments of the object being clearly visible, NASA’s blue screen appeared. The ‘infamous’ screen allegedly was thrown for a number of times now when the cameras happened to spot unusual sights. NASA deleted the ISS footage after a while. This UFO video capturing took place a few years ago, which means that it cannot be verified anymore.

Some of these UFOs have been seen other times as well, using NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) website. All these alien ships seem to be quite similar, if not identical to the one spotted lurking near the ISS.

The commentator then asks if these videos could be evidence of aliens keeping in touch with humanity, but the fact is hidden by NASA. UFO expert Scott Waring also commented on his blog in regards to the revealed UFO footage’s origins. He said that the video depicts an incredible UFO with a shape dissimilar to what he has seen until now. The object recorded on live NASA space station camera has a bizarre appearance, Waring added.

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