New Study: Healthier Diets Are Better for Environment

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The food that we eat daily influences the environment very much. A recent analysis shows this fact and explains that what is right for us will also be good for the planet. Researchers explored this cause in a study never discussed before. They observed, analyzed, and found out how our health and food could influence the environment. They discovered that eating healthy and choosing fruits, vegetables, cereals, or nuts, have a smaller environmental impact regarding agriculture and mass food production. David Tilman, an ecologist from the University of Minnesota, reported the findings, and explain how significant the study is. He stated, “Normally, if a food product is good for one aspect of a person’s health, it’s better for other health outcomes, as well. The same holds for environmental outcomes.”

We must keep in mind that what’s best for us isn’t always right for the planet.

Study’s Detailed Development

Researchers conducted a comparison of specific diets by examining fish, chicken, eggs, dairy, olive oil, cereals, legumes, sugary beverages, fruits, and vegetables. Then, each of these groups was analyzed for five environmental impacts and five health impacts. Furthermore, researchers investigated the agricultural costs, looking for things such as land use, pollution, or greenhouse gas emission. For dietary cons, they focused on diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes, and mortality. Moreover, researchers continued by determining the risk of these diseases, adding an extra portion of each food item to a person’s average everyday consumption.

Next, each of these portions was analyzed from a manufacturing, equipment, production, agricultural inputs, and cropland view. Researchers, however, eliminate the food preparation, processing, transport, and retail analysis.


Food suitable for your health and environment:

  • Fish;
  • Eggs;
  • Chicken;
  • Dairy products;
  • Plant-based foods

Jason Hill, a biosystems engineer from the University of Minnesota, said that “It’s important that all of us think about the health impacts of the food we eat. We now know that making our nutrition a priority will pay dividends for the Earth, as well.”

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