Malignant Melanoma Risks Can Increase With Fish Consumption

Eating a lot of non-friend fish, such as tuna, may increase your chance of getting malignant melanoma and stage 0 melanoma, according to research published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control.
In addition to its huge sample size and prospective design, this research also demonstrates the potential health benefits of fish consumption even before cancer has shown itself. The results of other earlier research studying links between fish diet and melanoma susceptibility have been contradictory, but the findings have indicated a correlation that deserves additional examination, even though fish intake has grown in the United States and Europe in recent decades.
A 22 percent greater risk of malignant melanoma as well as a 28 percent higher risk for developing stage 0 cancer, also referred as melanoma in situ, or abnormal cells only discovered in the outermost layer of the skin, were discovered by the researchers when comparing the average daily fish intake of 42.8 grams with the average daily intake of 3.2 grams.
Melanoma is the sixth most frequent cancer in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. As for how they discovered this, the National Cancer Institute’s NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study recruited over half a million individuals from the United States for a full year back in the ’90s (1995-1996.)
The participants’ average age was 62. Aside from quantity sizes and frequency of consumption, the study looked at the following types of fish: non-fried, fried, and tuna. The researchers used cancer registries to keep tabs on the occurrence of new melanomas for at least 15 years. Several other factors were taken into consideration, such as the participants’ smoking history, sociodemographics, family history of cancer and caloric and alcohol consumption as well as caffeine consumption, as well as the average UV radiation levels in each participant’s home area, to name just a few.
Some 5,034 people in the study acquired malignant melanoma, whereas 3,284 people in the control group developed status 0, the report said. They discovered that consuming more non-fried fish and tuna was associated with an increased risk of acquiring both of these cancers. There’s still work to be done, so no drastic modifications to your fish intake are suggested for the time being.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.