New Study Shows How Cranberries Can Actually Lower the Risk of UTI

Researchers looked at 50 earlier data that included 8,857 people overall for a recent analysis. Earlier studies examined the relationship between cranberry juice, tablets, or powder delivery and UTI risk. Few individuals experienced adverse effects across the tests, with stomach discomfort being the most prevalent. The information is incomplete, though, but there’s a catch. Only some studies have directly compared cranberry products to antibiotics or probiotics alone, for instance, despite the fact that these medications may be just as beneficial.
The vast majority compared cranberry products with a placebo or no treatment for UTI and determined drinking cranberries as a juice or taking capsules reduced the number of UTIs in women with recurrent cases, in children and in people susceptible to UTIs following medical interventions such as bladder radiotherapy, explained Jacqueline Stephens, an epidemiologist from Flinders University in Australia.
According to past research, the proanthocyanidins (PACs) found in cranberries are likely to contribute to the fruit’s protective effects by preventing Escherichia coli germs from adhering to the cells lining the bladder. E. coli is thought to be the cause of about 90% of UTIs. This is not, let’s say, an all-encompassing conclusion. The reason is that no advantages of cranberries were demonstrated for elderly persons, pregnant women, or those who have issues emptying their bladder. It does demonstrate that the lowered risk is considerable for some populations, though.
The ideal amount of cranberry PACs has yet to be discovered. However, based on a study from 2021 suggested taking about 36 mg of PACs daily. This most current review’s authors warn that, actually, there are no takeaways from the data as to the comparative effectiveness of various doses of PAC.
UTIs can cause a range of bladder issues and be very uncomfortable. In certain rare instances, it may spread to the kidneys and result in sepsis if left untreated. UTIs may affect men and children, despite being most frequent in women.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.