The Criteria of Space Research

Space research was formed based on nationalism. The contemporary growth in the public’s curiosity and enthusiasm in space is due to such thing as nationalism. So, when discussing stuff such as the origins of space research, it is unlikely not to state the “Space Race,” the rivalry between America and Russia over who could become the one to possess most ‘firsts’ in the area of space research. The term “Space Race,” and its following wins for astronomy as a science, occurred during the Cold War when America and Russia were already in strange positions.
For example, the Moon landing was a pivotal event in American history, and the fact that it was American mattered too much. That event is also the first distinguished case of space colonization. Moreover, we can say that nationalism did not conduct space research only because it was a way to demonstrate that Russians were better than the American nation. Space research also gave more solid ground to assume in the name of the nation. Furthermore, people were interested because space research was a chance to display destiny.
The Criteria of Space Research
Currently, American people show a higher interest in space according to a 2018 study, believing that it is somehow vital for the US to conduct the world in space research. Not long after such results, President Trump announced the making of the Space Force, a division of the military that would support restore “American dominance in space.” His interest and decision were part of his aim to compete with countries such as China or Russia. He wants to be ahead of everybody.
More public interest in space research makes, however, the chance of restoring the exploration for extraterrestrial life and offers more funding for space research missions. There was always a lot more to space than galaxies and stars, and a lot more to space research than physics, for example, or biology. The investigation of space results in new ethical considerations that impacts the future of Earth and the future of space research, as well.

As our second lead editor, Anna C. Mackinno provides guidance on the stories Great Lakes Ledger reporters cover. She has been instrumental in making sure the content on the site is clear and accurate for our readers. If you see a particularly clever title, you can likely thank Anna. Anna received a BA and and MA from Fordham University.