Ancient Human Migrations Played An Essential Role In The Alteration Of The European Landscape

The last significant ice age encouraged ancient human species to migrate towards Europe in waves. A new study argues that select mass migrations have substantially altered the European landscape. An in-depth observation of the mass migration patterns has revealed
that the first farming communities which were established on the continent did not exert significant influence or impact on the local ecosystems.
However, it was inferred that a second wave that arrived during the Bronze Age could be associated with a massive reduction among the territory covered by broad-leaf forests with the aim appearing to be the increase of pasture and grassland.
It is worth noting that a selection of assumptions and caveats have been taken into account by the researchers, who wanted to learn more about the way in which successive waves of migrants arrived with new ways of harvesting natural resources, while also changing cultures and genetic legacies.
Ancient Human Migrations Played An Essential Role In Our Evolution
The genetic legacy of the modern Europe is often tied to populations which flourished in Asia at first. A significant link can be traced to the Anatolian Peninsula, which is now a part of contemporary Turkey. One of the populations of hunter-gatherers learned some farming techniques from local neighbors more than 11,000 years before the migration took place.
Traces of DNA from the Anatolian farmers can be encountered in several European populations, along with genes that were gained after other mass migrations. For the purpose of the study, the team decided to use genome studies that explored ancient and contemporary structures. An intricate map that tracks the migration patterns of three distinct populations was created.
A comparison between the three ancient human populations has revealed an interesting speed difference between the migrations as the third wave has managed to reach farther areas across the continent thanks to the use of horses wheeled vehicles. The paper was studied in a scientific journal.

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.