Russia’s New Combat Suit Can Withstain .50 Caliber Bullets

Russian companies never seem to rest when it comes to building powerful combat gear. The newest project belongs to Rostec, the state-owned military developer. The next-generation combat armour created by Rostec will reportedly be able to resist against .50 calibre bullets. brings the news, and it means that infantry gear will be significantly enriched. The armour will be the 4th generation of Rostec’s Sotnik, or Centurion.
Rostec’s Bekkhan Ozdoev has other important things to say:
The new generation gear will consist of a fundamentally new set of technology, including the latest achievements of the Russian defense industry, including robotic equipment and integrated systems for exchanging information,
Today we have started the first stage of development – the definition of tactical and technical requirements.
Wikipedia tells us that the .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG) is a .50 in caliber firearm cartridge that was developed in the late 1910s for the M2 Browning machine gun, and it entered official service in 1921. The .50 BMG cartridge can also be seen in long-range sniper rifles and also in anti-materiel rifles. Match grade ammunition has made the .50 calibre rifle more useful.
The development of the .50 BMG round is also confused with the 13.2 mm TuF, which was developed by Germany as a solution for an anti-tank rifle to combat British tanks during the First World War and against aircraft.
The .50 BMG was used in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cambodian Civil War, the Falklands War, the Persian Gulf War, the Global War on Terrorism, the Iraq War, the War in Afghanistan, the Syrian Civil War, the Iraqi Civil War, the Yemeni Civil War, as well as in the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen Saudi–Yemeni border.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.