Pollution Reaches Deep: Mesophotic Corals Under Threat

There has been much discussion about the negative impact of pollution on the environment in general, and on the marine world in particular. Numerous actions and more and more effective measures are being taken every minute against this plague of modern days. And yet, results refuse to show on a large scale.
Deep waters equally polluted
We all know that coral reefs are the most affected eco-systems in the marine environment. It was believed that deep water coral reefs (or mesophotic) were not so much affected by global warming and climate change and they could have been a refuge for the shallow water eco-systems. This idea was supported by the fact that these corals that can be found at depths of 30 to 150 meters are biologically distinct from shallow water reefs and cannot easily be affected by pollution. Another argument in favour was that the species making up these reefs were different from those in shallow waters and that there was not so much connectivity between the two types of eco-systems.
In for a big surprise
Recent research has shown the contrary, however. The scientists were to find out that the deep water reefs are equally affected by the negative impact of pollution and that they also need protection. The idea of being a universal refuge for the shallow water eco-systems no longer stands. Deep water corals also need our attention, as much as all other creatures on our planet do.
Let’s see the full half of the glass in this: maybe it is still time for the deep-water corals to be saved. Maybe the effects of pollution are not so serious, due to the depth they live in. Maybe it is high time we all woke up and realized that sooner than we expect there will be no more Planet Earth. It’s time to take action before it is too late!

As our second lead editor, Anna C. Mackinno provides guidance on the stories Great Lakes Ledger reporters cover. She has been instrumental in making sure the content on the site is clear and accurate for our readers. If you see a particularly clever title, you can likely thank Anna. Anna received a BA and and MA from Fordham University.