The Final Solar Eclipse of 2018 Is This Saturday

The Sun will be partially “eaten” by the shadow of the Moon, making this event the last solar eclipse of the year and it is tomorrow!
Only the Northern Hemisphere will be able to see it, as it starts right over the North Atlantic at 8.02am UT. Europeans from below the Arctic Circle and above will catch the partial eclipse – Scandinavia, Russia and Iceland and probably the north of Scotland will see this amazing event.
Depending on the location, people can see almost half of the Sun disappearing behind the Moon. Others will only see 5% of it disappear as if the Moon took a small bite from the Sun.
According to the astronomy website Stjórnufræðivefurinn (Iceland), the eclipse can be seen between 8.10am and 9.26am UT. The peak of the eclipse will be at 9.46am UT.
Svalbard, the Norwegian island will be the best place where you can see the eclipse. The alternatives are the fields of Greenland and Northern Russia.
Together, the Sun and the Moon will fly over the sky, and the eclipse will move north and east, reaching the North Pole, where the lunar disc will cover 65% of the Sun. Then, the eclipse will move over Mongolia, China and South and North Korea, ending at about 11.30am UT – at almost three hours and a half after it began.
Prepare For The Total Solar Eclipse – 2 July 2019
The next partial solar eclipse will be at the beginning of next year, on January 6.
But on July 2, 2019, there will be a total solar eclipse which will be seen in the central part of South America and over South Pacific.
According to astronomer Eleanor Imster, the total solar eclipse “will be visible along a narrow path cutting across the South Pacific, Chile and Argentina. As for other regions, they will be able to see a partial solar eclipse:
“A wider region in the South Pacific and in South America, including locations in Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay will see a partial solar eclipse, if the weather permits.”

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.