Supermassive Black Holes Study Unveiled That The Universe Expands Faster Than Initially Estimated

In a new study, scientists used supermassive black holes to measure how fast is the Universe expanding. According to the conclusion of the research, the Universe expands faster than initially estimated, an outcome that increases the need for new theories to understand the cosmos better than today.
In astrophysics, the expansion of the Universe is measured with the Hubble Constant, elaborated by Hubble, the astronomer who also gave the name of the famous space telescope that revealed how stunning our Universe looks like in hundred of fascinating images.
In their new study, the scientists thought to use supermassive black holes that reside at the centers of the galaxies, such as we have Sagittarius A lurking at the core of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. Even though the expansion of the Universe started right after the Big Bang, the rate of this expansion varies from one place in space to another, puzzling the astronomers.
Supermassive Black Holes Study Unveiled That The Universe Expands Faster Than Initially Estimated
“Black holes are the most luminous persistent sources of the universe and allow us to measure its expansion rate at very early times. We may need to explore new physics, for example rethinking the potential properties of dark energy,” said Dr. Elisabeta Lusso from Durham University.
The scientists gathered and analyzed data from 1,600 supermassive black holes and calculated how they move in space and how much they move away from each other. The new method is a novelty and might reveal a more accurate estimation of how much and how fast the Universe expands than the previous techniques which involved the study of light from supernovae, among others. The new research revealed a different expansion rate than the one accepted by theorists.
In short, a new study involving supermassive black holes unveiled that the Universe expands faster than initially estimated. “This is only one of the many models – all including new physics – proposed by the theorists, and much more work is needed to find a unique solution,” added Dr. Risaliti of the “Universita degli Studi di Firenze,” in Italy.

Vadim is a passionate writer on various topics but especially on stuff related to health, technology, and science. Therefore, for Great Lakes Ledger, Vadim will cover health and Sci&Tech news.