Life-Changing Secret Surprises Man on Homecoming Day

Today we will honor all the deployed mothers and fathers out there that miss their families. There’s nothing more heartwarming than seeing your family after months of being away, and Navy Seaman Chris Daugherty knew it the day he got back home from deployment. He was expecting to see his wife and children but got a much bigger surprise.
Chris had no idea that Natasha Daugherty has been planning to sweep him off his feet on that day. Here is what happens as she takes down her “Welcome Home” sign.
“My Heart Was Racing”
Natasha wanted to make that homecoming day special, so for the months before his arrival, she’s been keeping it a secret even from her other children, because we all know they’re not great at keeping secrets at all.
Right after a week Chris left, Natasha took a pregnancy test again and again and realized she was pregnant. But when she emailed him to call her, she thought this wasn’t something you tell through a phone call:
Being pregnant is such a fun experience and not being able to share it with him it was really hard. I was working the whole time and taking care of the kids so I had to push through everything.
Her photos on social media were so cleverly disguised that nobody noticed it:
I would always use the kids to cover my belly. My best friend always does Snapchats and she would put emojis in front of it just in case to throw him off.
As for the happy father of three, he admitted that he was stunned to see her belly that he had to poke it and ask if it was for real!
I can’t believe she was able to keep the secret for as long as she did because we tell each other everything so I know it was really hard for her.
I’m sure every day she wanted to just tell me but I’m really happy she waited because it was an awesome homecoming surprise and we got to find out the gender together the day after I got home.
The couple couldn’t be happier, as they were already planning for a fourth child, who turned out to be a girl!
Natasha wanted to do something special and was delighted to see his reaction. Let’s send our best wishes to all the deployed fathers and mothers and their families!

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.