We Cannot Afford to Neglect These New COVID-19 Symptoms of the New Strain Emerged in the UK

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The situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK continues to look horrifying, as tens of thousands of daily infections are reported in a country of only about 66 million people. Everybody can be your enemy in the UK, even without either of the persons knowing that. The huge numbers of infections have caused to authorities to impose special measures that left the majority of the UK citizens unable to celebrate the holidays.

A new COVID-19 strain was identified in the UK back in October, and it’s causing many more infections than the older variants of the coronavirus. Dr. Fauci even added that there’s a good chance that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has become more lethal along with the new strain. The signs of being infected with the new COVID-19 strain are the same as in the case of older variants: dry cough, fever, loss of smell and taste, and more.

Beware of the post-viral syndrome

The infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci warns about the post-viral syndrome that will attack the human body even long after the coronavirus leaves, according to Express.co.uk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals three symptoms that are among the most common when it comes to the post-viral syndrome for COVID-19:

Arthralgia (joint pain):

A study in the Lancet journal writes:

The current outbreak of COVID-19, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-1), is characterised by clinical signs and symptoms such as interstitial pneumonia, fatigue and headache.

It also added:

Arthralgia is one of the symptoms that occurs in patients with COVID-19, and is present in 14.9 percent of cases.


Dyspnea refers to shortness of breath or breathing with difficulty.


Myalgia means pains in the muscles or tendons. Amir Barzin, the incident commander for the Respiratory Diagnostic Centre at UNC Medical Center to Health, declared:

In general, coronavirus, like other viruses, can cause inflammation of the muscle tissue.

With a total of over 3.6 million reported infections and more than 98,000 deaths, the UK is currently the 5th most affected country in the world by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.