Articular Cartilage Restoration is a Huge Thing; Facts, Treatment, and More

Articular cartilage is the smooth, white tissue that covers the ends of bones at the points where they come together to create joints. Also, movement is made simpler when the cartilage in our joints is in good health. Unfortunately, articular cartilage is susceptible to deterioration from both acute injuries and the natural wear and tear of daily life. Due to the fact that cartilage does not repair itself very effectively, medical professionals have created surgical procedures that encourage the formation of new cartilage.
And here’s the great thing! The restoration of articular cartilage can provide pain relief and lead to improvements in function. The most important benefit is that it can either postpone or completely avert the onset of arthritis. Continue reading to learn more about the repair of articular cartilage!
Identifying the Cartilage Damage
Patients who have had joint injuries, such as rips to the meniscus or tears to the ligaments, will frequently also have damage to their cartilage. Because hyaline cartilage does not contain calcium, its damage cannot be detected on an X-ray and is consequently one of the reasons why this injury may be difficult to identify.
Keep in mind that any time you have questions or concerns about your health, you should consult with a medical professional.
The vast majority of people who might benefit from articular cartilage repair are young adults who have had a single trauma, sometimes known as a lesion. Patients who are older or who have several lesions inside the same joint have a reduced chance of benefiting from the procedure.
Surgical Methods and Operations
In order to do some treatments, the surgeon has to have more direct access to the region that is being treated. Incisions that are longer and more open are necessary. The following list contains the cartilage repair treatments that are performed most frequently:
- Microfracture Drilling
- Osteochondral autograft transplantation
- Osteochondral allograft transplantation
- An abrasion-type arthroplasty
- The implantation of autologous chondrocytes triggered by the matrix
Following surgical intervention, the joint surface has to be preserved so that the cartilage may recover properly. You might not be able to put weight on the afflicted limb after the treatment, especially if it was performed on your knee or ankle. You will need to walk with the assistance of crutches for the first few weeks following surgery, and this may continue for a longer period of time, depending on the operation that was performed and the location of the lesion.
Your physical therapy will concentrate on strengthening the joint, as well as the muscles that support it, as your recovery improves. It is possible that it may be several months before you are able to return to sports or other physically demanding activities safely.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.