Do Nicotine Vapes Help You Quit Smoking? Researchers Support the Idea

As you probably know by now, concerns have been raised regarding the possible impact that electronic cigarettes might have on the environment, as well as its usage by young people who never used traditional cigarettes. But here’s the thing: Nicotine vapes, as well as two medications known as varenicline and cytisine, were shown to be efficient in helping people quit smoking. How is it even possible?!
An analysis of more than 300 clinical trials that involved a total of more than 150,000 adult smokers from around the world revealed that vapes and two pills known as cytisine and varenicline were associated with the highest likelihood of successfully quitting smoking for at least six months.
Our findings provide clear evidence of the effectiveness of nicotine e-cigarettes and combination nicotine replacement therapies to help people quit smoking, stated Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and senior study author.
However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Researchers believe that those who have previously smoked may be advised to try electronic cigarettes as a means to kick their smoking habit. According to the findings of the study, using electronic cigarettes, cytisine, or varenicline to stop smoking is likely to be successful for at least six months for around 14 out of every 100 persons who are attempting to quit smoking.
Cytisine is not generally accessible since it has only been approved for sale in a limited number of countries, including Canada, a few regions in eastern and central Europe, and certain countries in western Asia. The medicine is likewise in the latter stages of clinical testing in the United States and is thus making progress toward approval. As for varenicline, this is now available in the United States, but it is not obtainable in a great number of regions as a result of previous shortages.
It is still important to collect further data in order to assess the long-term effects of making use of these vaping aids.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.