25 Doctors Successfully Removed an Ovarian Tumor Weighing 133 Pounds After 5 Hours of Surgery

When a 38-year-old woman arrived in Dr. Vaagn Andikyan’s office, he was stunned to see the hugest tumor ever. It was the first time he would see a 133 pounds tumor spread across a woman’s abdomen and measuring one meter wide.
Dr. Vaagn Andikyan is an oncologist from Danbury Hospital in Connecticut, and the woman was sent to him to seek medical care and advice. Her tumor was growing very fast, but fortunately, it was benign.
5 Hours of Surgical Intervention Performed by 25 Doctors
It took 25 doctors to successfully remove the ovarian tumor in 5 hours of difficult work.
The tumor was benign, but the woman’s health condition wasn’t looking too good. Because of its position, the tumor made the woman’s bowels press towards her chest and she was undernourished. Her feet also swelled a lot to the point where she couldn’t walk anymore.
On the day of the surgery, 25 doctors from Danbury – surgeons, heart specialists, obstetricians, gynecologists, assistant physicians, anesthetists, nurses, and surgical room technicians were in the room to complete the surgery together.
The surgery took place on 14 February 2018 and it lasted for 5 hours because the doctors had to remove the tumor, save the ovaries and the uterus and rebuild the abdominal area.
Andikyan’s Expectations Were Exceeded
The tumor was successfully extirpated, the uterus, most of the fallopian tubes and an ovary were saved, averting an early menopause and allowing the woman to have a future pregnancy.
Andikyan said that the woman would recover and shouldn’t have any health complications in the future, because the tumor was not cancerous.
The 38-year-old woman’s tumor is one of the biggest ever diagnosed, with a majority of ovarian tumors being smaller. There have been some cases where ovarian tumor weighed over 287 pounds, though. A large ovarian tumor is one that grows bigger than 50 pounds, so one weighing 133 pounds is considered very rare.

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.