SpaceX About to Announce BFR Private Moon Mission Today And the Lucky Passenger

Last night on Twitter, Elon Musk made thousands of people stay up late and think of the bright future after he posted two render photos with the BFR design. It was just in time for today’s announcement on who will be the first human to travel around the moon aboard of a SpaceX spaceship.
(Check out the link below, if you want to see the live event.)
Today, the company will have a surprise event, probably hosted by Elon Musk, who will announce who will be the individual that will be aboard the BFR and travel around the Moon. Last week, SpaceX announced on Twitter:
“SpaceX has signed the world’s first private passenger to fly around the Moon aboard our BFR launch vehicle – an important step toward enabling access for everyday people who dream of traveling to space.”
With that announcement, they also added a render of how the rocket will look from above. Sunday night, Elon Musk posted two new images showing more details: like the honeycomb pattern made from Raptor engines, which look like a shark’s teeth – pointed out Advocator.
Alongside the announcement, Elon Musk also hinted that the private costumer could be Japanese, adding that the spaceship in the photos was of the BFR latest design. This suggested that the company is still working on the design. The ship was announced last year and was described as being 106 meters long, with 40 cabins to transport 100 people.
We would expect to see the BFR being tested in 2019 and an orbital mission in 2021.
Musk also confirmed that near the nose of the spaceship, there would be a forward-moving wing that can appear or retract when necessary.
As for today’s announcement, SpaceX will have an official webcast you can watch directly on YouTube or here, on SpaceX’s website. It will start at 6:00 pm PDT today, 17 September (01:00 UTC, Sept 18). The event will reveal the identity of the mystery passenger, and we hope, more details on the big freaking rocket.

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.