NASA Probes Water-Powered Spaceships

The Small Spacecraft Technology Program (SSTP) is the newest program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, in short. NASA is trying its best to come up with new technologies to improve space exploration and make it accessible. Therefore, the Small Spacecraft Technology Program came into being. The SSTP consists of two small cube-like spaceships that are on Earth’s orbit a long way from each other. They are programmed to communicate and come nearer each other. In order to do that, they use water-powered thrusters that transform water into steam.
The two spaceships are 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm and were launched in different points on Earth’s orbit at around 9 km (5.8 mi) from each other. When one of the spacecraft gave the command to the other one to approach, the second spacecraft obeyed. This could only be possible because they formed a communication connection and were able to give commands to each other without the help of astronomers on Earth.
NASA Tests Water-Powered Spaceships
NASA’s program has the aim to create a small-sized spacecraft that can be used in space exploration, science, space operations, and aeronautics programs. These space probes are technological advancement and have the ability to lead to more technological upgrades not only because of their small size but also due to their set up to autonomously give commands after a sequence is initiated by a scientist. It is worth mentioning that, while the probe gives commands, these are pre-planned approved directives.
These self-governing, water-powered spaceships are planned to be launched in deep space missions and are expected to coordinate themselves conforming to a set of instructions given before their deployment. The space probes are created in such a way to accommodate the conditions in space and to choose the best course to achieve their pre-planned goal. While these types of missions are in their infancy, the slow and steady work of scientists will make them possible in the foreseeable future.

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.