Climate Change Would Only Boost Its Effects On Earth In The Future

Researchers won’t know how the climate change will pan out until it’s too late to amend, according to some experts’ warnings. Since 1975, we witnessed a warming phase at an alarming rate. Scientists had stated that the global temperature has increased by almost 0.15-0.20 degrees Celsius/decade.
While such results appear somehow low, global warming has a noticeable effect on the polar ice layers which continue to melt. Next, moving to 1979, reports indicate how the mass of ice at the North Pole or in the Arctic has shrunk by a massive 80 %.
Scientists have warned back then that such a thing will bring some of the most significant sea level rises. Let’s imagine the following scenario. If only the West Antarctic Ice sheet were to melt completely, the sea level would rise to three meters.
How Would Climate Change Expand In The Future
Climate models have displayed that a sea-level increase of more than two meters could permanently sink significant areas of the British coastline, such as Peterborough, Hull, some East London parts of the Thames Estuary. Earth has already witnessed a growth of 1 degree Celsius to pre-industrial levels. Such a thing will add massively to the melting of the ice layers and succeeding sea-level increase.
Only between 1993 and 2014, sea levels increased by 66mm by 66mm, meaning 3mm/year. If it goes on at such a rate or becomes faster, the coastal regions such as New York could be sunk by the end of the century.
As it currently is, the sea levels are increasing at approximately 8mm/year. They are rising due to melting ice, and while that probably doesn’t seem that much, the implications for the next generations could be massive.
“We scientists need to proactively emphasize the uncertainties of our model scenarios, and that we don’t know for certain how severe the climate crisis will be, how rapidly it could unfold, nor how it will affect humans and ecosystems,” explained Will Steffen, from the Australian National University, and Wolfgang Knorr, from Lund University in Sweden.

As our second lead editor, Anna C. Mackinno provides guidance on the stories Great Lakes Ledger reporters cover. She has been instrumental in making sure the content on the site is clear and accurate for our readers. If you see a particularly clever title, you can likely thank Anna. Anna received a BA and and MA from Fordham University.