How Long Can Natural Immunity for COVID-19 Last

New research brings great news for those strong people who survived the infection with COVID-19. The disease is highly infectious, especially after the new strain emerged in the UK. Therefore, while getting the pandemic virus isn’t too improbable, we’re glad to find out that the natural immunity the body develops will be stronger than expected. brings the news that a robust immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus lasts for a minimum of eight months, and there’s even a strong hint that the protection could even last for years. The new research was published in Science.
180 volunteers studied
For the new research, the blood from 180 volunteers who were previously infected with the coronavirus was analyzed. The scientists took the samples about six months after the volunteers’ infection with the pandemic disease. For most of the people involved, the antibody levels to the coronavirus took a small dip after infection, although they remained stable afterward for a maximum of eight months.
Specific T cells to the coronavirus were found to decline a bit after three months but still remained at adequate levels afterward. As for the B cells responsible for making the immune system create extra antibodies, they were found to be more prevalent at six months than at one month.
The authors of the new study wrote, that “durable immunity against secondary covid-19 disease is a possibility in most individuals.”
One of the best ways of having our immune system prepared for the COVID-19 disease is to get enough vitamins into our bodies, especially vitamin D. Of course, the other well-known and basic guidelines for staying safe remain the same: wear a mask, avoid crowds, and frequently wash the hands.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.