Depression Levels Are Sky Rocking if You Have a Job Like This

Depression is one of the causes of suicide in the world, meaning that it’s far from being just a light mental disorder. While the causes for depression can be numerous, from the loss of a spouse tand getting into financial debts, the level of the mental disorder also counts a lot. speaks about a study done upon the Australian population that reveals how hard work can make people become more depressed than ever. Furthermore, the ones to blame are the companies that don’t prioritise the mental health of their employees.
You have 300% higher chances of being depressed in a toxic workplace
Perhaps we all know what a toxic workplace can be: the boss yelling at his employees just to feel important, not getting paid enough, being forced to remain after hours, co-workers constantly picking on each other, and so on. The new research done at the University of South Australia and led by UniSA’s Psychosocial Safety Climate Observatory found that poor management practices mean a greater risk for developing depression.
Dr. Amy Zadow is the lead author of the new study, and she said that poor mental health manifested at the workplace can be traced back to unsatisfying management practices, values and priorities. The doctor stated as cited by
Evidence shows that companies who fail to reward or acknowledge their employees for hard work, impose unreasonable demands on workers, and do not give them autonomy, are placing their staff at a much greater risk of depression.
Depression is something that requires medical treatment ASAP. The condition can even cause hallucinations in some cases, and there’s a chance that the patient might not respond to his first treatment. However, talk therapy can sometimes work just as well as medication.
The new study was published in the British Medical Journal.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.