Planets Capable of Sustaining Life Might Be Less Common Than Scientists Thought

Common “astronomical” sense tells us that the Galaxy, and not to mention the Universe in general, are teeming with life. Green fellows with pointy ears from many planets could be starring at the stars at night just like us and wondering if there are alone in the Cosmos.
An age-old question once again arises: if aliens exist, why aren’t they here yet? Well, first of all, not any extraterrestrial form of life has to travel light-years through space in a spaceship or use teleportation and wormholes anytime they want, as we’ve all seen in sci-fi movies. Aliens could be at the same level as our wild animals or even in microbial form. Regardless of how extraterrestrial life manifests itself, a new article from comes to ruin some hopes of those who were always dreaming of encountering any space friends.
Not enough planets in the ‘Goldilocks Zone’
From the multitude of exoplanets found by astronomers (a few thousand), not too many of them are located in their solar systems’ ‘Goldilocks Zone’. This is a major problem if we’re hoping to somehow find alien life there, as the region refers to the presence of some crucial conditions for sustaining life: the right temperature and the presence of water. If a planet is too far from its host star, it would be too cold. If it’s too close, it would be too hot, resulting in Mr. and Ms. ET cooking themselves to death.
While it’s true that life as we know it cannot survive under harsh conditions such as those we would find on a planet if it’s not located in the “Goldilocks Zone”, who knows what incredible forms life on other planets can take. But in the absence of absolute proof, we have to work with the material that we have.
While many people from all over the world are reporting UFOs in the sky and filming them for decades, we tend to believe more the variant of aliens indeed existing somewhere in our cosmic vicinity. But where exactly could they be is a major challenge in astronomy.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.