Stay Active and Exercise Regularly to Improve Your Quality of Life, Experts Recommend

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Did you know that there’s no reason to slow down? Like, why would you? It is believed that just approximately 25 % of individuals between the ages of 65 and 74 engage in regular physical activity. However, studies have shown that you must keep moving in order to maintain and improve your quality of life. So, how many hours a week do you exercise, and what can you do to make your routine more effective?

Continue reading down below.

A Healthy Lifestyle Means Regular Physical Activity and Exercise

According to the findings of research that was published in the BMJ in 2021, people who are 70 years old can reduce their risk of developing heart disease by exercising every day for twenty minutes. Having difficulties sleeping, constipation, weariness, stiff joints, melancholy or sadness, weight gain, and lower back discomfort are all symptoms that might indicate that you are not moving about enough.

Examine the following recommendations, and select only the ones that are the most appropriate for you:

1) Ease into it and take it easy first; gradually build up your stamina to prevent injuries and fatigue.
2) Find a partner to work out or participate in activities with.
3) Make it a habit to reduce tension by meditating and practicing deep breathing.
4) Change your thinking.
5) Make sure you stretch both before and after your workout.

It is important to keep in mind that it is imperative to address with a healthcare expert any queries that you may have concerning the relationship between your exercise level and your health. You will receive the highest possible level of assistance this way.

And here’s another intriguing thing. Additional physical exercise was found to lower the risk of dying from all causes, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, to an even greater extent than before. This research was published in JAMA Network Open. It was shown that older citizens who engaged in physical exercise between 3.5 and 7 hours per week had a 31% lower chance of passing away.

These researchers looked at data collected over a period of 12 years from over 250,000 people who were about the age of 70. They discovered that activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, racquet sports, running, aerobics, and golf significantly lowered the participants’ chance of dying.

Tiesha loves to share her passion for everything that’s beautiful in this world. Apart from writing on her beauty blog and running her own beauty channel on Youtube, she also enjoys traveling and photography. Tiesha covers various stories on the website.