How to Affordably Fund Your Wellness Routine

Everyone knows that wellness is important, regardless of whether we’re talking about mental health, physical health, or overall wellbeing. But since the self-care trend has become so popular, manufacturers have started to take advantage of the high price people will pay to feel great. The good news is, if you’re crafty about how you shop and where you buy your wellness products, you can definitely find ways to get items at a marked-down price.
In this article, we’ll give you seven tips to help you get the wellness products you need without having to compromise on your financial health.
Buy in bulk
If you’re a fan of searching the aisles of Costco on the weekends, you’ll love this tip. Buying in bulk can help you save tons of money on items that you need to regularly replenish, but might cost you lots of money to buy in single quantities. Many grocery stores offer bulk grocery items that are the same as boxed items, just without the extra packaging, which helps lower the overall cost.
But in addition to grocery items, you can also buy other wellness products in bulk as well. Buying CBD and CBG wholesale is a great way to save money on alternative health products that can reduce stress symptoms, alleviate pain, and boost your mood in a natural way.
Search for discounts
The great thing about shopping online is that it’s easier than ever to shop for the best price out there. Install an automatic coupon extension so that when you’re shopping online you can get the cheapest price automatically applied to your purchase. You’d be surprised how many wellness items you can find discounted online!
Shop from discount retailers
Another great way to save money on wellness purchases is to buy from discount stores. Stores like TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Home Goods often source products from the same vendors that distribute to department stores and other retailers that sell high-quality wellness goods like natural skincare products, exercise accessories, and essential oils.
Join a wellness co-op
If your community is centered on health and wellness, you might find some like-minded individuals who are willing to swap services and share tips. If you’re trained as a yoga instructor for example, you might offer a free group class in exchange for a healthy cooking class led by another member in your group! It’s a fun way to meet others and share a common goal toward a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Many communities already offer free events like those mentioned, but don’t be afraid to launch your own program if it doesn’t already exist in your area!
Try to DIY
Another great way to save money on wellness is to DIY natural products. Many of the chemical-free, natural home and beauty products we end up purchasing are actually relatively easy to make since they contain less complex ingredients.
A quick search for recipes online and you could be well on your way to making your own detergent, shampoo, and dish soap!
Become a brand rep
The age of the influencer is upon us, especially in the wellness world. One way you can get free products and/or monetary compensation is by becoming a brand rep on social media. Of course, you’ll need to have the follower base in order to be considered for such a position, but the pay-off for telling your journey is invaluable!
You can start out using an influencer platform to help you create campaigns that will resonate with your audience and satisfy business goals. The most important thing to remember about representing brands is to be as authentic as possible. Your followers know you well, so they’ll surely recognize if you don’t believe in the product that you’re advertising.
Opt for free things
Sure, a fancy gym membership is a nice luxury to have, but it’s not financially feasible for every budget. Instead of making a monthly commitment to the cycle studio, consider biking outside instead, this is a much more cost-effective way to go, plus it’s great to get some sunshine! And if running is your thing, why not swap the treadmill for a trail now and then?
Final thoughts
Finding balance between personal and financial wellness isn’t always easy, but with these tips in mind, you’ll certainly find that it’s doable!

Doris’s passion for writing started to take shape in college where she was editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. Even though she ended up working in IT for more than 7 years, she’s now back to what he always enjoyed doing. With a true passion for technology, Doris mostly covers tech-related topics.