Polyurethane-eating Bacteria Can Reduce Plastic Pollution in the World

Plastic pollution is a problem that is carefully analyzed by ecologists nowadays. It was recently discovered the existence of a bacterium capable of damaging plastics used in the making of furniture and many other goods. The team of researchers from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ in Leipzig is the one that demonstrates the efficiency of this bacteria when it comes to plastic and its damage.
About plastic pollution
The polyurethane is deriving from plastic, is the leading material for hundreds of objects. People may not realize this, but it is very present in our day to day lives since almost anything is made out of polyurethane. It is impossible to be recycled since fire cannot melt it. In Europe, the annual production is approximately 3.5 million tons of plastic.
Its flexible texture and its durability over the years are making it the perfect material to be used for anything in the world. What the humanity does not think about is the waste. It usually ends on a field where it is left for an undetermined period. During that time, the plastic releases toxic chemicals that cand even cause cancer.
Bacteria can fight plastic pollution
After careful consideration and research, a team of German specialists has finally determined the prefect bacteria that could stop the spreading of polyurethane chemicals. The discovery was made after tons of practical experiments, The Pseudomonas sp. TDA 1 was isolated in a landfill full of plastic waste. There is started attacking the released chemicals, combating the pollution.
The leading researcher of the study, Dr. Hermann, states that this solution might be too small for detail that big. However, he is proud that finally, somebody brought to light on this crucial matter that has been affecting the environment so much. Additionally, he states that this bacteria can be used for other hard-to-recycle products as well. At the moment, they are testing whether Pseudomonas sp. TDA 1 is useful when it comes to plastic bottles.

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