Parkinson’s and Coffee – New Study Found an Intriguing Link Between Them

In laboratory experiments, researchers from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) revealed that their specifically made material was more than capable of soaking up the sorts of compounds that cause the degeneration of brain cells that leads to illnesses such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease. What could be that substance? A wide variety of environmental elements, such as herbicides and pesticides, are included among the many factors that might lead to dementia and contribute to its progression. A well-known and widespread example of this is the herbicide known as paraquat. However, recent research suggests that a very small particle created from chemicals discovered in used coffee grinds may be up to the challenge.
Discover the full story below.
Caffeic acid is an antioxidant that can be found in apples, wine, and of course, coffee. The fact that it can be detected in spinal fluid indicates that it may, at certain doses, be able to bypass the barriers that are in place inside our neurological system. The chemistry professor at UTEP and lead author of the study, Mahesh Narayan, together with his colleagues, converted caffeic acid into something that is known as a quantum dot in order to enhance the compound’s ability to combat superoxide. Impressive!
Caffeic-acid-based Carbon Quantum Dots have the potential to be transformative in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders; […] Our aim is to find a cure by addressing the atomic and molecular underpinnings that drive these conditions, explained the research team’s leader, UTEP chemist Jyotish Kumar.
The researchers demonstrated that their spin on caffeic acid was effective at preventing the clumping of proteins, which is typically associated with neurodegeneration, through an actual examination of the chemical and physical properties of the CACQDs (caffeic acid carbon quantum dots) and carrying out a variety of examinations on human neuroblastoma-derived cell lines. In addition, the researchers showed that their spin on caffeic acid was safe to use. Of course, it is not the same thing to know that a medicinal molecule is effective in a petri dish as it is to demonstrate that it is successful in the human body. However, the fact that CACQDs may be cheaply synthesized from a waste material that is abundantly available further adds to the allure of these compounds.

Georgia delves into a myriad of topics that promote a holistic approach to well-being. Her passion for the subject matter shines through in her well-researched and engaging articles that not only inform but inspire readers to prioritize their health. Georgia’s dedication to factual, clear, and insightful storytelling is a perfect match for the ethos at, making her a valuable addition to our diverse team of writers.